
28 April 1995
Preoperative concomitant radiochemotherapy and IORT in locally advanced rectal cancer.
Crucitti F, Sofo L, Ratto C, Battista Doglietto G, Bellantone R, Nucera P,Bossola M, Ranieri R, Perilli W, Azario L, et al.
Rays. 1995 Apr-Jun;20(2):197-207.Rays. 1995 Apr-Jun;20(2):197-207.
34 patients with locally advanced (T4) or recurrent rectal cancer have been treated with: 1. external beam radiotherapy (45-48 Gy) + 5FU(1000 mg/m2/daily iv continuous infusion day 1-4) + MMC (10 mg/m2/daily iv, day 1); 2. surgical resection (if feasible) + IORT (10-15 Gy); 3. adjuvant chemotherapy (5FU+leucovorin, 6-8 cycles). Grade 3 acute hematological toxicity was observed in 1 case only. 23 of 34 patients underwent radical surgery. Perioperative mortality and morbidity was 0% and 17% respectively. In the 23 operated patients with a mean follow-up of 18.6 months there were 2 local recurrences, 5 blood metastases, (1 death of disease). 16 patients were shown to be NED (3-36 months).
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