
28 April 1995
Preoperative radiotherapy and IORT in resectable rectal cancer at high risk for local recurrence.
Crucitti F, Ratto C, Sofo L, Battista Doglietto G, Bellantone R, Bossola M, Sollazzi L, Crea MA, Vecchio FM, Piermattei A, et al.
Rays. 1995 Apr-Jun;20(2):190-6.
Over a 4-year period 35 patients with mid- (15 patients) and low (20 patients) rectal cancer clinically staged as T2 N1-2, T3 N0-2 underwent a protocol of combined surgery and radiotherapy. The protocol included: preoperative external beam radiotherapy (38 Gy, ICRU50); surgical resection; IORT on tumor bed (10 Gy). Toxicity of preoperative treatment was mild with a single case (2.9%) of grade 3 gastrointestinal toxicity. 18 patients underwent anterior resection and 17 abdominoperineal resection. Perioperative mortality and morbidity were 0% and 17.1% respectively. At a mean follow-up of 25 months all patients were alive. The single anastomotic recurrence observed was rescued with abdominoperineal resection.
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