
02 May 1992
Influence of anterior subdiaphragmatic vagotomy and TPN on rat feeding behavior.
Yang ZJ, Ratto C, Gleason JR, Bellantone R, Crucitti F, Meguid MM.
Physiol Behav. 1992 May;51(5):919-26.
Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) inhibits food intake and feeding behavior. Whether caloric sensory function of the liver contributes to this food intake and feeding behavior regulation via vagal-afferent innervation was tested after performing anterior hepatic vagotomy or sham operation in rats infused with a TPN solution providing 100% of daily energy needs, given continuously for 4 days. Food intake, meal number, size, duration, meal and intermeal sniffs, and eating activity were measured using an automated computerized rat eater meter (ACREM). TPN infusion resulted in a significant decrease of food intake and feeding indexes in both groups. The vagotomized rats showed a significantly higher food consumption, achieved by greater meal frequency, larger meal size, and longer meal duration. Thus, vagotomized rats consumed more than their controls by eating larger meals more often and of longer duration. Data suggest that anterior hepatic vagotomy interrupts hepatic caloric sensory feedback loop, diminishing inhibitory vagal effects on food intake with TPN, leading to an overall increase in food intake.
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