
04 June 1989
Colorectal cancer in patients 40 years of age and younger.
Bossola M, Sofo L, Ratto C, Bellantone R, Doglietto GB, Crucitti A, Crucitti F.
Ital J Surg Sci. 1989;19(4):361-7.
Of 359 patients with colorectal cancer admitted over a period of about 11 years, 17 (4.7%) were 40 years of age or younger (group 1) and 342 (group 2) were older. In group 1 at the time of diagnosis, there were 9 men and 8 women; the average age was 34.2 years. Abdominal pain and diarrhea were the most common presenting symptoms. The average delay between onset of symptoms and treatment was 8.2 months (7.2 in group 2). Tumor stage at the time of diagnosis or at laparotomy was not more advanced than in group 2, the incidence of Dukes C lesions being 17.6% and 24.8%, and distant metastasis 17.6% and 18.7%, respectively. Analysis of tumor according to the stage (Astler and Coller classification), pelvic fat involvement, lymph node metastases and grading revealed no statistically significant differences between the 2 groups. The age factor had no impact on survival. It is concluded that in the present series, colorectal cancer in young patients differs in no respect from the disease in older patients.
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